An SDCI tree public notice is required for certain commercial tree work on private property (seeTip 242D, Tree Public Notice, for more details). SDOT may require permits and notices for tree work located in the public right-of-way (see SDOT Tree Permit website for more details).
To complete a Tree Public Notice (Notice), you must be signed into your Seattle Services Portal account. If you do not already have an account, you will need to create one (see these step-by-step instructions or view the Seattle Services Portal Overview video).
Before creating your Notice, please review the information and required documentation on the SDCI Trees & Codes webpage. If you have all of your information ready to enter, it will take about 5 minutes to create a notice.
The tree public notice must be posted on the Tree Public Notice Map webpage at least 3 business days prior to beginning the reportable work and at least 6 business days prior to tree removal. Please include two additional business days to allow us to process and generate the online notice.
After completing the Tree Public Notice form, both the hiring entity/owner and the tree service provider will receive an email with a link to the completed notice. The tree service provider must download, print, and post the notice while work is occurring on-site. The notice should remain in place for 5 days after the work is completed.
If the proposed tree work has changed or been canceled, you may withdraw your Tree Public Notice. You will need to submit a new Public Notice to reflect any revisions.
At any point, you can select Save and Resume Later to save your form for completion later. To complete this form, you will need the following:
- Work must be performed by a SDCI registered tree service provider. You will need to provide the active registration number, which is available on the SDCI Registered Tree Service Provider directory.
- A permit may be required for tree work associated with a project, such as a construction or demolition project. If applicable tree work is part of your proposal, you will need to provide the SDCI record number.
- Tree-specific information, including common tree name, the trunk size at diameter standard height (DSH), type of work to be performed, location of tree, and if the tree is designated as an exceptional tree.
- Login to your Seattle Services Portal account
- Under Create New, click Trees
- Click Tree Public Notices (SDCI & SDOT)
- Click SDCI Tree Public Notice
- Enter the address where the tree work will occur
- Click Search to find and select the valid address
- Click Continue Application
- Add the Contractor (Tree Service Provider) and Owner (hiring entity) information by clicking Select From Account, Add New, or Look Up
- Click Continue Application
- Complete the Tree Service Provider information including the registration number and contact information
The system will auto-populate the Tree Service Provider Business Name and Status by the provided registration number.
- Complete the Site Information questions with a yes or no
If the response is “Yes” regarding if the site is subject to an active SDCI permit, you are required to enter an SDCI Record Number.
- Complete the Notice Information question to indicate earliest date of proposed work
Our system needs a couple of days to generate and post the notice. To have the notice posted for the correct number of days, the date you enter must be 5 business days (not including today) before beginning reportable work and at least 8 business days (not including today) before any tree removal. You may not begin work before the date you enter.
For example, if you submit your notice for reportable work on a Wednesday, the system will post the notice on Friday. You need the notice posted a minimum of three full business days before you start doing reportable work. In this example, the three business days would be Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. You could start work the following day, on Wednesday, a week from the day you submitted, or any day thereafter.
For example, if you submit your notice for tree removal on a Wednesday, the system will post the notice on Friday. You need the notice posted a minimum of six full business days before you start doing tree removal work. In this example, the six business days would be Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. You could start work the following day, on Saturday, or any day thereafter. - Click Add a Row to enter the information for each tree being impacted; you need to enter one row at a time
- Enter the name of the subject tree in the Search by Tree Name field and click Search
- Select the specific Tree Name from the list and click Finish
Note that if there are multiple pages of results, you may need to click Prev or Next at the bottom of the screen to find the applicable name.
- Enter Trunk Size at Diameter Standard Height (DSH) (in inches)
- Select Type of Work as either Reportable Work or Removal
- Select Location of Tree as Front Yard, Rear Yard, or Side Yard
- Answer yes or no to Is this a Tier 1 tree?
- Answer yes or no to Is this tree part of a grove?
- Select the applicable Tree Removal Approved by Vested SDCI Permit option
- Click Submit
You may add, edit, or delete tree work details by clicking Add Row, Edit Selected or Delete Selected. You can also click on the blue arrow next to Actions to do the same Edit or Delete functions. If you select Edit, you will need to re-enter only the tree name; all other completed fields will be shown. If you do not have all of the required information, click Save and Resume Later.
- Click Submit
- Click Continue Application
- Review your form; click the Edit button if you need to make changes
- Check the certification Checkbox to certify that the information you’ve provided is accurate; the date field is automatically set to the current date
- Click Continue Application to submit your form
- You will receive a Thank You message to confirm you have completed creating your notice
- You will also receive a confirmation email; this message includes your notice Record Number
- Once your notice is processed by the system, you will receive a second email confirming whether or not your notice was approved and created
- If your notice did not appear to meet tree protection requirements, you will receive an email identifying the reason(s) why your notice was not created
- If your notice was approved and created, click on the hyperlink on the fourth line of the email
Download and print your notice
- Post your notice onsite during the tree work and for five days after the tree work is completed
Withdraw a Tree Public Notice
- Login to your Seattle Services Portal account
- Click My Records
- Find the Tree Public Notice you want to withdraw and click Make Changes
- Select the Withdrawal Request – SDCI Tree Public Notice button, then click Continue Application
- Confirm the address is of the selected Tree Public Notice you are withdrawing and then click Continue Application
- Click Select from Account to confirm the Applicant information
- Click Continue Application
- Enter the Reason for Withdrawing Application or Permit, then click Continue Application
- Confirm the information you entered, then click Continue Application
- You will receive a Thank You confirmation message
- Your record in the Seattle Services Portal will be updated to reflect the “withdrawn” status