Enter your project address and click Search to validate the address. We recommend you enter only the number and street name (e.g., 201 Northlake) to City will be filled in automatically when a match is found and is required to continue application.
Once the address is validated, click Continue Application.
To add the required Applicant contact, either add by clicking Select From Account (to choose from a list of contact(s) associated with your account), Add New (to create a new contact not in the system), or Look Up (to find an existing contact).
Add the required Owner contact using the following:
Select From Account: Chose from a list of contacts associated with your account,
Add New: Create a new contact not in the system, or
Look Up: Find an existing contact
Click Continue Application.
Enter the required Project Information.
The Jurisdiction is optional.
Purpose is required.
Source Project Number is optional.
Project Description is required. This is a description of your proposed project (e.g., Demolish existing single-family house and construct four rowhouses with associated unit lot subdivision).
New Water Services (optional): If you know the type and size of water services proposed for your project:
For one water service, click the “Add a Row” button.
For more than one water service, click the “Add a Row” down arrow and select the total number of rows to list each service.
A dialog box pop-up will appear:
Type and Size are required.
Comment is optional.
Click Submit when done.
Click Continue Application.
Upload Required Documents
Attach documents.
Add attachments by clicking the Select button.
A Site Plan is required to complete the submittal.
Click Select to browse for files to upload.
Select the document from your files and click Open (file name will be listed after it is selected).
Click Done.
Repeat steps 14-17 for each document.
Select the Type from the list of Types in the drop-down. There must be one Site Plan, but other types of documents can be added as well.
Add a Description of the document, if needed, (e.g., This is a stamped survey of the property).
Repeat this step for each document.
Once you have named each document, click Save.
Once you have uploaded document, click Continue Application.
NOTE: Once you Save a document, you cannot delete it.
Complete you Submission
Verify all your information looks correct in the Review step and click Continue Application.
When your intake application is successful, you'll see the Thank You screen.
DSO will contact you via email to let you know if more information is needed. Once complete, the WAC will be sent via email and uploaded to the WAC record.