If your Street Use permit fees or service charges are billed, you will receive an invoice from Street Use. This article describes how to find and pay your invoice online. It also explains how to find and go to the permit(s) for which fees are due.
If you need to pay by check, see How Do I Pay by Check?
If fees are due that are not billed, please refer to How to Find and Pay Fees Due for Your Street Use Application or Permit.
Note: If you would like to dispute or inquire about a fee or charge, see How Do I Submit a Street Use Fee Dispute Request.
You will receive an email notification when your permit is issued. Fees are available to pay at this time. If you pay fees before your invoice is generated, an invoice is not created. Alternatively, if you wait until your invoice is created, typically the month following when the fee is incurred, you will receive an email when your invoice is available. If we do not have an e-mail on record, your invoice is mailed to the billing address on record.
A special administrative invoice record is created each month. The only information on this record is your invoice document. IMPORTANT: There are no fees on your invoice record. Fees are displayed and payable on your actual application or permit. Your invoice record provides links to the applications and permits included on your invoice. Depending on your invoice preferences, your invoice may be consolidated. This means fees for multiple permits are included on one invoice.
You can recognize invoice records by their record ID. The ID looks like SUINV-210102-31541. This number is printed in the top right corner of your actual invoice document. The first part (SUINV) never changes. The second part (210102) is in YYMMDD format and tells you the invoice record was created on January 2, 2021, for charges in December 2020 or earlier. The third part is time (minutes, seconds, milliseconds).
Here is an example of an invoice document and how it relates to records and fees in the Seattle Services Portal.
For frequently asked questions, please refer to Street Use Invoice FAQs.
- Go to the Seattle Services Portal.
- On the Home page, click Search All Records.
- Enter your Invoice (SUINV) record number in the Record Number field.
- Click Submit. The Invoice record opens.
If your search returns no results, on the Home page you can always find your invoice by clicking Choose a category > Permits – Street Use under Narrow your search by category. Enter your Invoice record number in the Record Number search box. Alternatively, rather than searching, you may also find your invoice record in your My Records list if you are both logged in and the Financially Responsible Party. - Once your invoice record opens, scroll down to the Invoice section. Your SDOT invoice is listed. There may also be up to two payment reminders if your invoice was not paid by the original due date. After two reminders, your invoice is sent to collections. Find the invoice document with the most recent date. Click on the blue link under Name to display and, optionally, print or download the Street Use invoice.
IMPORTANT: There are no fees on your invoice record. The invoice record is where you find your actual invoice, but all fees are on your actual application or permit. Fees are payable on your actual application or permit only. You will receive an error message if you try to add your invoice record to your cart.
- The Permit #, Permitted Address and other permit information is included on the invoice document. If your invoice includes fees for more than one permit, the fees are grouped together for each Permit #.
TIP: Clicking on the blue Permit # takes you right to the record. Note that the Seattle Services Portal uses “Record” to refer to applications, permits, invoices, and licenses. Your Permit # is also your Record Number for your permit.
- Next, to pay your fees online, find each permit on your invoice. There are two options for finding your permit(s).
Option 1: Click on the blue permit number right from your invoice document to go to your permit.Option 2: Click the Related Records tab on your invoice record. Click View to go to your permit.
- Click the Fees tab in the permit that opens. Click on the blue Pay Fees link.
Note: If you receive an error after clicking Pay Fees, refer to Why do I get an error message when I try to pay.
- Unpaid fees for this permit are displayed. (Remember that fees are only on your permit record not on your invoice record.) Click the Checkout button to add the fees to your Cart. If you are not logged in, skip to step 9.
Note: When paying online, all fees for a record are paid at the same time; partial payments are not possible online.
- If you are not logged in, skip to the next step. If you are logged in, your cart is displayed. In your Cart, click Checkout to proceed with payment.
Note: You may see line items for other permits, either in Street Use or from other City departments. You can pay for all items at the same time, or you can edit your Cart to remove items.
- Enter your credit card information and click Submit Payment.
Note: If you receive an error after clicking Submit Payment, refer to Why do I get an error message when I try to pay.
- A confirmation page is displayed.
- Click the Print/View Receipt button to see your receipt.
TIP: The Invoice Number on your receipt is the system’s internal invoice number for a fee – the number that appears on the Fees tab on your record for each fee. The SDOT monthly invoice document is numbered differently (e.g., SUINV-210302-00000). For monthly invoices dated January 2022 or later, the system’s internal fee Invoice Number is displayed on your SDOT monthly invoice document.