This article describes how to submit an application for a Construction or Storage Container permit via the Seattle Services Portal.
Not sure what kind of SDOT permit you need? Refer to the SDOT web site for more information.
For information on the permit process for a Construction and Storage Containers permit, refer to SDOT’s Storage Container and Residential Dumpster Permits page.
- Login to the Seattle Services Portal.
IMPORTANT: If you do not yet have a Seattle Services Portal Account, you must register before proceeding.
- Click on the Home tab.
- Under Create New, click Permits – Street Use.
- Records are grouped by type of permit. Click the triangle symbol next to each group to expand (or collapse) the list. A description is provided. For a Construction or Storage Container permit, expand the ROW Construction group.
- Select ROW Maintenance Permit.
- Click Continue Application to start the application process.
- In Step 1: Location Information, enter the address for the location of the container. For best results, only enter the Street No. and Street Name when searching for the address. When entering a Street Name for a numbered street, such as 5th Ave, only enter "5" in the Street Name field.
- Click Search. The remaining address fields are auto filled if there is a match. If there are multiple matching addresses, you are prompted to select the correct address. In the rare case where you are asked to select a parcel, select any parcel in the list.
- Click Continue Application to proceed to Step 2.
- In Step 2: Contacts, your application requires four contacts. All four contacts may be the same:
- The Applicant - the person who is applying for the permit
- The Owner - the person or organization who owns the property or business for which the construction or storage container is needed, often the same as the Applicant
- The Financially Responsible Party - the person or organization who is responsible for paying for the permit, often the same as the Applicant
- The Onsite Contact - the person who is available if we need to speak with somebody onsite, often the same as the Applicant
If the Applicant or the Financially Responsible Party is not the same as the Owner, you may be asked to upload a Letter of Authorization later in the process.
- To add the Applicant's contact information, click Select from Account to auto populate the contact information from your Seattle Services Portal user account. If the Applicant is someone else, click Look Up to find an existing contact or click Add New to create a new Contact.
- Scroll down to provide information about the remaining three required contacts. To copy details from a contact you have already added to your application, select the appropriate same as option. Or you can use Select from Account, Add New, or Look Up.
- Click Continue Application at the bottom of the page.
- In Step 3: Project Information, provide the Project Name. This field is for your reference.
- For the Project and Location Description, enter a detailed description to describe the placement of the construction or storage container(s). The screen displays some guidance about the kind of information to provide.
- Click Continue Application to proceed to Step 4.
- In Step 4: Related Information, optionally use this section to provide additional information, if applicable. You may skip this section.
- Scroll down and click Continue Application to proceed to Step 5.
- In Step 5: Use Information, scroll down and click Add a Row.
- A pop-up window prompts you to provide Use information. Fill in the fields. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. Click on a blue circle with a question mark for help.
- Use Type (required) – Select Dumpster/Storage Container.
- Space (required) – Defaults to A. You may leave the default value.
- Rate Start Day (required) - Defaults to 1. You may leave the default value.
- Use Start Date (required) - Select the date you wish to place your container in the right of way.
- Duration (Calendar Days) (required) – Enter the number of calendar days that your container will remain in the right of way.
- Exp Date (read only) – Auto populates based on Use Start Date and Duration but may not appear until the review step if you tab out of the field.
- Side of Street (required) – Select side of street where container(s) will be placed. If the containers are on more than one street frontage, you will be able to create another use row later in the process.
- Work Days (required) - Defaults to Every Day. Select from dropdown if not every day (which is very unlikely).
- Use Area (required) – Enter the estimated square footage for the space required. If you have more than one container on the same frontage, include the space between the containers in the square feet estimate.
- Sidewalk Impact (required) - Concrete sidewalk or asphalt pathway. Defaults to None. If your container will block the sidewalk, select a value from the dropdown.
- Bike Lane Impact (required) - 24/7 dedicated bike lane. Defaults to None. If your container will block the bike lane, select a value from the dropdown.
- Travel Lane(s) Impact (required) - General purpose travel lanes. Defaults to None. If your container will block the travel lane(s), select a value from the dropdown.
- Transit Lane Impact (required) - 24 hour dedicated bus or other transit lanes. Defaults to None. If your container will block the transit lane, select a value from the dropdown.
- Parking Lane Impact (required) - Paid or unpaid parking lanes or spaces. Defaults to None. If your container will block the parking lane, select a value from the dropdown.
Other ROW Impact (required) - Alley, gravel shoulder, planting strip, etc. Defaults to No. If your container will block other right of way, select Yes.
TIP: If you are unsure about the impact, pick what seems the most accurate and we will confirm it during review. Be sure to describe your plans in detail in the Project and Location Description in Step 14 above.
- Click Submit.
- The pop-up form closes, and you are returned to the Use Details section. The Use information you just added is visible.
- If you have containers on more than one street frontage, add another Use. To add another Use, click Add a Row. The same pop-up is displayed. Enter the required information.
- Once all the Uses are added, click Continue Application to proceed to Step 6.
- In Step 6: Attachments, a link to the list of required documents is available. The following documents are required:
Document Type Document Description When It’s Required in the Application Process Right of Way Impact Plan Right-of-way closures with details per CAM 2116 Application – cannot submit without uploading this document
TIP: Use the Site Plan template for creating your Right of Way Impact Plan.
Letter of Authorization Required if Applicant or Financially Responsible Party contact is different from the Owner contact, Letter of Authorization form Application – SDOT staff require this document prior to application review, if the Applicant or Financially Responsible Party is different than the Owner Other Documents Other documents may be required based on project location and impact Review Evaluation – your reviewer will request additional documents, if needed, later in the review process. For example, a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is typically not required for moves but may be required for construction purposes depending on the location of the container - To attach a document(s), click Select.
- On the File Upload pop-up, click Select.
- Browse your computer and select the correct document, just like you browse to find a document to attach to an email. Click Open to upload your file.
- To attach more documents, repeat steps 27-28. Once all documents are selected, click Done.
- When you attach your document, select a Document Type. Make sure to select the document type that matches your required document, otherwise the system does not know you have provided the requested document. For example, select Right of Way Impact Plan as your Document Type when uploading the matching document. Then click Save to attach the document(s) to the application.
- The document(s) you just saved are displayed. Click Continue Application to progress to Step 7. If you see a red Attention message, that means you either have not selected the correct document type and/or have missed a required document. If a document is missing, go back to step 26 and upload the missing document. If you selected the wrong document type on a document that you have already saved, upload the document again and pick the document type that matches the condition in the Attention message. You may also add a description explaining that you are uploading the document a second time with the correct document type. When you see a message with a green checkmark, click Continue Application again to progress to Step 7.
- In Step 7: Review, a summary page is displayed. Review your application information. Click the Edit button to go back and make updates.
- Once reviewed, scroll to the very bottom, and check the box to agree to the listed terms and conditions.
- Click Continue Application to submit your application.
- A message displays confirming that your application is submitted for review. Make note of your Record Number. An e-mail is sent to the four required contacts on the application notifying them of the application submission.
You will be contacted for additional information and documents that are needed prior to approval of your application, if any. When your application is approved and ready for payment, the four contacts on the record will receive an email. - You can log into the Seattle Services Portal at any time to view the status of your application.