If you received a Notice of Violation for failing to meet the Tune-Up requirements per SMC 22.930 and you wish to request a waiver or reduction of the fine, you must submit an appeal.
Please note, before you can submit an appeal you must have a Seattle Services Portal account, and the building must already be claimed.
- Log in to your Seattle Services Portal account. In the top left, click on the Home icon.
- Click on Building Tune-Ups in the Create New section.
- Expand the selection by clicking the carrot next to Begin an Appeal then click the Building Tune-Up Violation Appeal radio button. Next, click the Continue Application
- Referencing the Notice of Violation you received from the Building Tune-Ups program, enter the OSE Building ID before clicking the Continue Application
- Please review the information in the Building Details, Address, and Additional Addresses Please note these fields are all read-only. This information has been provided from the City's benchmarking database to help you confirm the correct building. Additional addresses are displayed because the main address on file with the King County Assessor’s office may be different than the one you typically use when referring to your facility. If the building is not a match, contact us at BuildingTuneUps@seattle.gov or 206-727-TUNE. If this is your building, click the Continue Application button.
- Please verify that the contacts that were added on the “Claim a Building” record are correct. The contacts are read-only so if you need to make changes, you must do so on the “Claim a Building” record.
- You must next add yourself as an appellant. To do this, click the Select from Account Once you have added yourself as an appellant, click the Continue Application button.
- Referencing the Notice of Violation you received from the Building Tune-Ups program, enter the Notice of Violation number in the Appeal Details section. This number must be entered exactly as it appears on the NOV, or the request won’t submit properly.
- Next, please explain why you are appealing the NOV and requesting a reduction or waiver. *It is best to type out the text in word, then paste into the text box. Once you have provided your NOV number and explanation, click the Continue Application
- If applicable, upload any attachments to support your appeal request on the Supporting Documents Click the Select button which will open a new pop-up window.
- In the File Upload window, click Select then select a file from your computer that you’d like to attach. Next, click the Done
- You then need to select from drop-down menus or enter a description of your attachment. i.e. “Copy of Scope of Work for Tune-Up”. After completing those steps and clicking Save, proceed to the next step by clicking the Continue Application
- On the Review page, please look over all the information you input. If anything is not correct, click the Edit button next to the relevant section. Once you’ve verified that everything is correct, scroll to the bottom of the page and check the box certifying everything is true and correct, then click the Continue Application button to submit your request for Appeal Request.
- Once submitted, the OSE Director will review the basis for issuing the violation, the appeal, and any supporting documentation submitted. Click here for more information on the OSE Administrative Review Process.
- The OSE Director will issue an Administrative Review Decision to the building owner of record typically within 45 days of the submitted appeal. All Decisions will be issued via the Seattle Services Portal. More information here on how to check your appeal status in Seattle Services Portal.