The Tree – Plant/Prune/Remove application is used to generate a permit for planting, pruning, or removing trees in the Right of Way. This article describes how to submit the application.
- Login to Seattle Services Portal.
IMPORTANT: If you do not yet have a Seattle Services Portal account, you must register before proceeding.
- Click the Home tab.
- Under Create New, click Permits – Street Use.
- Under Select a Record Type, click Trees and Vegetation to expand the selection.
- Click Tree – Plant/Prune/Remove.
- Click Continue Application to start the Tree – Plant/Prune/Remove application process.
- Enter the Project Address where you want to perform the work on trees and vegetation. Enter as little information as possible to ensure a good search, e.g., 5 not 5th:
- Street No.
- Street Name
- Click Search. The remaining address fields are auto filled if there is an exact match. If there are multiple matching addresses, you are prompted to select the correct one. In the rare case where you are asked to select a parcel, select any parcel in the list.
- Click Continue Application to continue to the Contacts page.
- On the Contacts page, for the Applicant:
- Click Select From Account to auto-populate the contact information from your Seattle Services Portal user account.
- Or click Look Up to find an existing contact.
- Or click Add New to add a new contact.
- For the remainder of the contacts (Owner, Financially Responsible Party, and Onsite Contact):
If the Applicant or the Financially Responsible Party is not the same as the Owner, you may be asked to upload a Letter of Authorization later in the process.
- Click Select From Account to auto-populate the contact information from your Seattle Services Portal user account.
- Or click Look Up to find an existing contact.
- Or click Add New to add a new contact.
- Or use the …is the same as dropdown and select the contact to use.
- If you are using a Tree Service Provider, please provide that contact information in Onsite Contact.
- Click Look Up to see if the Tree Service Provider is an existing contact.
- Click Add New to add the Tree Service Provider, if it is not an existing contact.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to add Additional Contacts, if needed. Select Architect in the contact type dropdown when prompted, if you are adding a Landscape Architect.
- Click Continue Application to continue to the Project Information page.
- Enter the Project Information:
- Project Name (optional)– Enter a title or short description to help identify the project.
Project and Location Description (required) – Enter a description of the project and the location of the project. For example:
Existing house and two new townhomes. Plant groundcover and 2 Japanese Dogwood Trees (3” CAL) in the planting strip on the S side of NW 73rd St between 20th Ave NW and 21st Ave NW for green factor and street trees requirement. The sidewalk will remain open.
Pruning 4 street trees on 4th Ave frontage for street and sidewalk clearance plus removal of dead wood.
- Click Continue Application to continue to the Related Information page.
- In the Related Information section, fill in any of the relevant information (optional).
- In the Tree Service Provider Information section, fill in the details related to the tree service provider you are using (optional).
- Scroll down to and click Continue Application to continue to the Use Information page.
- On the Use Information page, scroll to the Use Details section and click Add a Row.
- A pop-up window prompts you to provide Use Details of the work you are proposing. Fill in the fields. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. Click on a blue circle with a question mark for help.
- Use (required) – Defaults Tree – Plant, Prune or Remove.
- Use Code (read only) – Defaults based on Use selected.
- Street Category (required) – Select type of street from dropdown.
- Side of Street (optional) – Select side of street where work will be done.
- Use Area (required) – Enter the square footage area of the proposed use.
- Mobility (optional) – Select which type of mobility will be impacted by your proposed use. If you are unsure, pick what seems the most accurate and we will confirm it during review.
- Closure Type (required) – Select which type of closure is required for your proposed use. If you are unsure, pick what seems the most accurate and we will confirm it during review.
- Use Start Date (required) – Select the date you wish to start the use. Removals require a 14 day public notice posting.
- Duration Day(s) (required) – Enter the number of days to complete the work.
- Exp Date (read only) – Auto-populates based on Start Date and Duration.
- Click Submit.
- To add additional rows with different dates or street related details of proposed work, click Add a Row for each different combination and repeat steps 20 & 21. For example, if you want to prune trees on two streets for a corner lot, please add a row for each frontage.
- Scroll down and in the Tree Action Details section, click Add a Row.
- Fill in the Tree Action Details for each species and action combination (e.g. Prune Western Red Cedar, Plant Japanese Dogwood, etc.):
- Action – Select from dropdown.
- Count – Enter number of trees that proposed action will be taken on.
- Species – Enter species of trees that proposed action will be taken on.
- Tree Size – Enter Diameter Breadth Height (DBH) or Caliper (CAL).
- Reason/Description of Work – Enter the reason the work is being proposed and describe more details around the work being proposed.
- Click Submit.
- Repeat steps 23-25 for each tree species and action combination until all the details around the proposed work are entered.
- Click Continue Application to continue to the Documents page.
- In the Upload Document(s) section:
- Click Select to upload a document, if required. Note: Documents may be required later in your application process.
- Click Select in the File Upload window.
- Select file and click Open.
- Click Done on the File Upload window.
- Select Document Type from dropdown (required).
- Enter Description of the document.
- Repeat steps a to f for each additional document required.
TIP: Click here for the form to fill out for Letter of Authorization.
- Click Save.
- Wait for documents to upload.
- Click Select to upload a document, if required. Note: Documents may be required later in your application process.
- Click Continue Application to move to the Review step.
- Review all sections. Click the Edit button if you need to make changes to a section.
- Scroll to the very bottom of the page. Read the certification statement. Check By Checking this box, I agree to the above certification.
- Click Continue Application.
- A Thank You page displays with the Record Number of your Application. Your application has been submitted for review. You will be contacted for any additional information and documents that are needed prior to approval of your application. Once your application is approved, you will receive an email notifying you that your permit is issued with a link to the permit.
- Once you have completed all work on the project, upload pictures of the completed work to satisfy the Proof of Completion requirement. The orange banner remains visible on the permit until this requirement is met. Refer to How Do I Provide Proof of Completion for my SDOT Tree permit.