This article describes how to apply for a permit to vend on a Seattle public street, sidewalk, or plaza, or in the authorized Stadium Event Vending area. You can learn about types of vending permits on the SDOT Vending webpage.
Take the following steps BEFORE you start the application to save time when applying:
- Have the site address ready. The address is called Project Address on the application form.
Existing site - For an existing site:
If you are using an open slot, use the address from the Vendor Bulletin - or -
If you are renewing a current permit, use the address from that permit. - New site - For a new site, use the address of the property directly adjacent to your site.
- Route vending - If you are a route vendor, use 700 5th Ave.
Existing site - For an existing site:
- Have your contact information ready for the 4 required contacts. One person can be in more than one role, but we must have a name, address, email address, and phone number for every person or organization you include.
- Applicant - the individual who is applying
- Owner - who owns the business
- Financially Responsible Party - who is paying for the permit
- Onsite Contact - the individual who we can quickly reach
- Know exactly what days of the week and times of day you want to vend.
- Know what date you wish to start vending after your permit is issued.
- Prepare your site plan.
- Save, scan, or photograph your required documents into PDF or JPEG files so you can upload them to your application.
TIP: Once you start your application, you can always save it and return later to complete it; just click on the Save and Resume Later button at the bottom left of the page. A banner displays and provides you with a Temporary Record Number – keep this number for when you come back to complete your application.
To Apply:
- Login to the Seattle Services Portal.
IMPORTANT: If you do not yet have a Seattle Services Portal Account, you must create and activate an account before proceeding.
- Click the Home tab.
- Under Create New, scroll down and click Permits – Street Use.
- Records are grouped by type of permit. Click the triangle symbol next to Short Term Use.
- Click the circle next to Vending to select it.
- Click Continue Application at the bottom of the page.
- In Step 1, Location Information, provide the project site address. For best results, only enter the Street No. and Street Name when searching for the address. When entering a Street Name for a numbered street, such as 5th Ave, only enter "5" in the Street Name field.
- Click the blue Search button. The remaining address fields are auto-filled. If there are multiple matching addresses, you are prompted to select the correct address. If you are asked to select a parcel, select any parcel in the list.
- Click Continue Application to proceed to Step 2.
- In Step 2, Contacts, your application requires four contacts:
- Applicant - the individual who is applying
- Owner - who owns business.
- Financially Responsible Party - who is paying for the permit
- Onsite Contact - the individual who we can quickly reach
- To add the Applicant contact information, click Select from Account to auto-fill the contact information from your Accela user account. If the Applicant is someone else, click Look Up to find an existing contact or click Add New to create a new Contact.
- Scroll down to provide information about the remaining three required contacts. To copy a contact you already added to your application, select that contact type from the same as dropdown arrow. Or you can use Select from Account, Add New, or Look Up.
- Click Continue Application.
- In Step 3, Project Information, provide the Project Name. This field is for your reference. Enter a brief name which includes business name and type of vending unit. For example: Marra’s Veggie Bowls Cart or Tastee’s Food Truck.
- For the Project Description, enter more detailed information to describe your vending unit including where you want to locate it, what you’ll sell, and when you want to sell. You can also add more information here that you think is important for us to know. For example: Food truck with driver side window for curb space location. Selling traditional Indian dishes M-F 10am-2pm. I think Site A is available but I’m not sure.
- Click Continue Application to proceed to Step 4.
- In Step 4, Related Information, optionally use this section to tell us about what else is related to your application. If you wish to vend from more than one curb space and you know the curb space numbers, please enter them in the Curb Space Number and Curb Space Number 2 fields. Also enter your Vending Unit and Vehicle Dimensions.
- Scroll down and click Continue Application to proceed to Step 5.
- Step 5, Use Information, is where you provide specific details about vending at this site.
TIP: You must complete one row for every day of the week you wish to vend at this site. This is how you tell us the exact days and time you wish to vend. Exception: Stadium and Event Day applicants only need one row.
- Click the arrow next to Add A Row and choose the number of rows you wish to add, one for each day you wish to vend at this site. For example, if you want to vend Monday and Wednesday, choose Add 2 Rows.
- Adding rows will open a Use Code pop-up. There will be one section for each day of the week you’re interested in vending at this site. Complete all fields with a red asterisk. Some fields will auto-fill as you add information.
- Use Code Description (required) - Click the arrow to choose the type of vending permit.
- Use Code (auto-fills) - Use Code automatically fills based on the Use Code Description selected.
- Side of Street (required) - Click the arrow to select the side of street you will be vending on.
- Use Area (conditionally required) - This field is only required if you are applying for a Sidewalk/Plaza or a Stadium Vending permit. Consult your site plan for dimensions, and then enter the number of square feet that you will need to vend (length of space times width of space). For example, for a 5’ x 4’ food cart, include the square feet needed by the cart (5’ x 4’ = 20 square feet) and the space where the vendor will operate (an additional 5’ x 3’ = 15 square feet) for a total of 35 square feet. A food truck on a plaza includes the dimensions of the food truck plus any additional area needed for vending like placement of a condiment table.
- Mobility Type (required) - Click the arrow to select where in the right-of-way you will be vending. Sometimes this is easy – for a food truck in a curb space choose Parking Lane and for a cart vendor on a sidewalk choose Sidewalk. Use your best judgement to describe the surface you wish to set up.
Closure Type (required) - Click the arrow to select the type of closure of the right-of-way. Use these guidelines to help you:
- Reroute of Public - choose this for curb space vending
- Partially Closed and Accessible - choose this for sidewalk, plaza or stadium vending
- Open to Public - choose this for route vending
- Use Start Date (required) - Click the calendar beneath the Use Start Date to choose the date you wish to start vending. Use the arrows on the top of the calendar to move the calendar months forward or back.
- Duration (Days) (conditionally required, typically auto-fills) - This field is required for a Temporary Curb Space Vending or a First Amendment Vending permit. Enter the number of continuous calendar days from start to finish for your Use.
- Day of the Week (required) - Click the arrow to select the day of the week. Remember, you’ll fill out a separate section for each day of the week.
- Start Time (required) - Enter the time in a 24 hour format that you wish to start vending on the day of the week you selected. For example, if you want to start at 10 AM, enter 10:00.
- End Time (required) - Enter the time in a 24 hour format that you wish to stop vending on the day of the week you selected. For example, if you want to end at 2 PM, enter 14:00.
- Expired Date (auto-fills) - Automatically fills based on the Use Code Description selected.
- When you’ve provided the information for each row, click Submit.
- The pop-up form closes and you are returned to the Use Details section. The use information you just added is visible. To add another Use, click Add a Row.
- The same pop-up is displayed. Enter the required information.
- You can also edit an existing row. Click on the arrow next to Actions to Edit or Delete a row.
- Once all the uses are added, click the blue Continue Application button to proceed to Step 6.
- In Step 6, Attachments, you’ll see the list of documents required to submit your application. All vendors, regardless of vending type, must submit a site plan and a photograph of their vending unit as part of the application.
- To attach a document(s), click Select.
- On the File Upload pop-up, click Select.
- Browse your computer and select the correct document, just like you browse to find a document to attach to an email. Click Open to upload your file.
- To attach more documents, repeat steps 29-30. Once all documents are selected, click Done.
- Scroll down to see your uploaded documents listed. For each document, click the arrow to select the correct Document Type. Make sure to select the document type that matches your required document, otherwise the system does not know you have provided the requested document. For example, select Site Plan as your Document Type when uploading the matching document. Then click Save to attach the documents to the application.
- The documents you just saved are displayed. Click Continue Application to progress to Step 7. If you see a red Attention message, that means you either have not selected the correct Document Type and/or have missed a required document. If a document is missing, go back to step 28 and upload the missing document. If you selected the wrong Document Type on a document that you have already saved, upload the document again and pick the Document Type that matches the Condition in the Attention message. You may also add a description explaining that you are uploading the document a second time with the correct Document Type. When you see a message with a green checkmark, click Continue Application again to progress to Step 7.
- In Step 7, Review, a summary page is displayed. Review your application information. Click the Edit button to go back and make updates.
- Once reviewed, check the box to agree to the listed terms and conditions.
- Click Continue Application to submit your application.
- A message displays confirming that your application is submitted. Plus, an e-mail is sent to the four required contacts on the application. Make note of your Record Number.
- You can log into the Seattle Services Portal at any time to view the status of your application.