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The Memorandum of Drainage Control and all applicable required side sewer legal documents (Side Sewer Easement Agreement, Joint Use and Maintenance Agreement, Side Sewer Release & Indemnification Agreement, Certificate of Attestation, etc.) are collected when we issue the side sewer permit. Email with any questions about this process.
Side Sewer Permits are one of several trade permits that SDCI issues. Follow the instructions below to submit a Side Sewer Permit application.
- Go to the Seattle Services Portal
- Under Create New, select Permits – Trade, Construction & Land Use
If you are asked to select an license, select None Applicable and then click Continue Application.
- Select Side Sewer Permit from the list
- Click Continue Application
- Fill in your address information and click Search
If you are presented with an Address Search Result List, choose the correct address by clicking the bubble next to the address. An Associated Parcels List will appear and should already have a bubble selected for you. If not already selected for you, please pick the top bubble.
Please note that the Development Site Parcel Number and the Legal Description for the address you’ve selected will automatically appear. You do not need to do anything with these, leave them as they appear.
- Click Select, then click Continue Application
- In the Detail Information section, enter an Application Name to help you identify your project
- In the Tell us about your project: field, please enter the description of work to help us screen and process your application; please be specific and detailed
Include your related issued construction, demolition, and/or grading permit number, when applicable.
- In the Project Information section, fill out the following:
- In the Where on your property are you working? section, indicate the site-specific work activity location for the Site Inspectors; you can leave this blank
- Whether there will be work in the right-of-way (this means work that is outside of the property line, such as excavation or equipment staging)
- Select the Primary Property Use from the Drop-Down Menu
Check Yes only if your application is specifically for a temporary dewatering permit required by King County and your SDCI Drainage Reviewer
- Enter a Related New Construction Project number, if applicable
- Please also answer each of the Yes / No questions to facilitate quicker processing of your application
- Always check No for Exception and leave the Exception Description blank
- Only check Yes if your application is for a separate temporary dewatering permit
- Leave the Is the System required by the Department of Ecology section blank for repair and new construction permits In the Side Sewer Information section, enter the following:
- In the Sanitary Information section enter the following:
- For Sanitary Repair or Addition/Alteration permits:
Repair permits are for repairing an existing side sewer, including adding a cleanout. Add/alt permits are for modifying an existing side sewer, for example tying in new roof downspouts to an existing side sewer.
- Use the Drop-Down Menu under Sanitary Type of Work and select either repair or add/alt
- Leave all the other fields in this section blank unless they also apply to the scope of work such as an added or repaired pump, line capped, etc.
For New Construction permits:
- Number of Service Lines Capped: indicate how many lines will be capped, or enter zero if there are none
- Sanitary Type of Work: use the drop-down menu and select New
- Number of New Sewer Connections to the Main: only enter the number of new connections from the property out to the main in the right-of-way that did not already exist
- Number of New Connections to the Side Sewer: only enter the number of connections that are existing and that you are going to reuse
- Number of Sewer New/Replaced/Repair Pumps: enter the number of pumps onsite that are new, replaced, or repaired
Number of Dwelling Units: enter the number of dwelling units
For example, if you demolished a single-family residence and replaced it with a new single-family residence with a detached additional dwelling unit, you would enter "2" as the number of dwelling units. If you removed a single-family residence and replaced it with a new single-family residence , you would enter "1" as the number of dwelling units, etc.
Re-use Existing Side Sewer System: check yes only if you entered a number into the Number of New Connections to the Side Sewer field
Please note that if Sanitary Sewer work does not pertain to the work happening on-site, you still must enter zero under Number of Service Lines Capped and select None under Sanitary Type of Work and then leave all other fields blank and skip to the Drainage Information section next.
- For Sanitary Repair or Addition/Alteration permits:
- In the Drainage Information section fill out the following:
- For Sanitary Repair or Addition/Alteration permits:
- Use the Drop-Down Menu under Sanitary Type of Work and select either repair or add/alt
- Leave all the other fields in this section blank unless they also apply to the scope of work such as an added or repaired pump, line capped, etc.
For New Construction permits:
- Number of Service Lines Capped: indicate how many lines will be capped, or enter zero if there are none
- Sanitary Type of Work: use the drop-down menu and select New
- Number of New Sewer Connections to the Main: only enter the number of new connections from the property out to the main in the right-of-way that did not already exist
- Number of New Connections to the Side Sewer: only enter the number of connections that are existing and that you are going to reuse
- Number of Sewer New/Replaced/Repair Pumps: enter the number of pumps onsite that are new, replaced, or repaired
- Flow Control Type: select the type listed on your approved plans from the Drop-Down Menu
- Flow Control Standard: select the primary type of facility used to meet Flow Control requirements (usually "pipe" or "vault") listed on your approved Drainage and Wastewater Control Plan from the Drop-Down Menu
- Treatment Standard Type: select the type listed on your approved Drainage and Wastewater Control Plan from the Drop-Down Menu
- Basic Plus Type: select the type listed on your approved Drainage and Wastewater Control Plan from the Drop-Down Menu
- Discharge Point: select the approved point of discharge listed on the Drainage and Wastewater Control Plan from the Drop-Down Menu
- Discharge Point Other Type: select “formerly combined sanitary sewer or built as combined,” if applicable, and select “other” for the Discharge Point above
- Total Disturbed Area: enter the total disturbed area that is listed on your approved Drainage and Wastewater Control Plans
- New Impervious Surface: enter the total amount of new impervious surface listed on your approved Drainage and Wastewater Control Plans
- New Plus Replaced Impervious Surface: enter the total amount of new and replaced impervious surface listed on your approved Drainage and Wastewater Control Plans
- Total Volume Managed On-site Stormwater Management: enter the total volume of managed on-site stormwater listed on your approved Drainage and Wastewater Control Plans
Total Area requiring Soil Amendment: enter the total area requiring soil amendments listed on your approved Drainage and Wastewater Control Plans
Please note that if there is no Stormwater Drainage work associated with your project, you still must enter zero under Number of Service Lines Capped and select None under Drainage Type of Work and then leave all other fields blank.
- For Sanitary Repair or Addition/Alteration permits:
- Answer the Side Sewer Street Use Information questions
- Indicate whether you want us to generate an SDOT permit application for you; only click Yes if you do not have an existing SDOT minor utility permit related to your project
- If you have an existing SDOT minor utility permit, enter that information in the Do you have an existing SDOT permit related to your side sewer work box
- Enter the Estimated Start Date for the work in the right-of-way
- Enter the Estimated Duration of the work in the right-of-way
See SDOT (Right of Way Work) Side Sewer FAQs for information on what happens after you request an SDOT Side Sewer application from your SDCI Side Sewer application.
- Click Continue Application
- Enter the Applicant Contact information; click Select From Account to choose whoever is already associated with your account
The person you enter for the Applicant contact will receive all electronic and phone communications. (See How to Add Contacts to Your Application if you need help.)
- Enter the Financially Responsible Party; this must be the applicant
- Enter the Owner
Both the permit applicant and the property owner are jointly and independently responsible for paying review and inspection fees as required by SMC 21.16. However, when an applicant is not the owner and is not acting, even in part, as an agent for the owner, the applicant is solely responsible for paying the applicable fees.
Side Sewer Permits are not transferrable. Whomever pays for the permit, owns the permit. We do not allow multiple contractors to work under the same permit.
- Click Continue Application
- In the Attachments section, upload Related Recorded Documents for building permits issued before January 1, 2017 that have not already been recorded (such as a Memorandum of Drainage Control, Side Sewer Easement Agreement, Certificate of Attestation, etc.)
- Click Upload Documents or skip to step 29
- Click Select to find your files on your computer
- Select your file (you can select multiple files) and click Done
- Select the document Type from the list of Types in the drop-down
- Add a Description of the document
- Repeat steps 16 and 17 for each required document
- Click Save
- Click Continue Application
- Verify your documents have been uploaded
- Review your information and then click Continue Application or Edit to make changes
- Note the Record Number assigned to your project